Setting Up A "lightweight" Archlinux/Awesome WM VM.
This post is meant to document the various modifications I had to make to get an integrated and functional desktop environment working using Archlinux and Awesome WM. The setup is run on an iMac 5k in a VM which is copied to a surfacebook when traveling.
My goal in setting this up was to create an efficient DE with everything nicely integrated and nothing extra added. If it's there it's b/c I wanted it to be.
Basic DE requirements.
- Tiling WM (chose awesome wm)
- Beautiful – HiDPI enhanced fonts and elegant (minimal) interfaces.
- Desktop Notifications
- Keyring for ssh keys and passwords.
- Spotlight like searches (i.e., data and metadata indexed in real-time)
- Dropbox Integration
- Quick Launch (hotkeys or phrases to quickly run apps or scripts)
- Detachable remote sessions.
- Screen captures
Important Applications.
- Terminal App (Fast)
- Mate terminal
- Emacs
- org mode for todo and mail tracking.
- mu4e for mail
- erc for jabber and irc
- standard programming stuff.
- Use Spacemacs and Profit.
- Openvpn
Pleasant Surprises
- Remote X11 login
- Decent Sound
Archlinux AUR Packages
Install pacaur and use it.
Pacaur is a nice way to be able to install from community/extra repositories ala pacman, but also seamlessly fetch additional packages from AUR.
Tiling WM - Awesome
Installed AUR
$ pacaur -S awesome-git $ pacaur -S obvious-git
Login Applications
In order to have things auto-started from packages you install that require this
you should install and use the dex
utility. Packages that want to be
autostarted on session login add .desktop
files to your .config/autostart
directory. dex
will find these files and execute them as appropriate
Enable dex
by adding the following to the bottom of your .config/awesome/rc.lua
os.execute("dex -a -e Awesome") #+end_src lua To see what is enabled by this addition use the following command: #+begin_src bash $ dex -d -a -e Awesome ... Executing command: zeitgeist-datahub Executing command: dropbox Executing command: kalu Executing command: recollindex -w 60 -m
Integration with Freedesktop DE software (GNOME, KDE, LXDE, …
Applications and services that come from other standard desktop environment
(e.g., GNOME, KDE, et al). that want to be auto-started on session login add
files under the /etc/xdg/autostart
To enable one of these applications or services you need to modify their
files in /etc/xdg/autostart
directory. Search for the line
line and add ";Awesome;" to it if it isn't there already.
For my instlation I enable the following desktop files:
$ dex -d -a -e Awesome at-spi-core (reqd by gtk3) gnome-keyring-pkcs11 (reqd by gnome-keyring) gnome-keyring-secrets (reqd by gnome-keyring) gnome-keyring-ssh (req'd by gnome-keyring) pulseaudio
Desktop Notifications
pacman -S xfce4-notifyd
Awesome WM actually has support for notifications using the naughty
but it was a bit ugly for me when the notifications included action buttons
(they stacked vertically vs. horizontally). I checked out various other daemons
listed on the archlinux wiki, and settled on xfce4-notifyd. xfce4-notifyd looked
great and supported the general gnome dark theme, didn't block or stack
notifications on top of each other. Some people want this I do not, I do not
want to received superfluous notifications so I want to notice them. One major
use I have for this is to stick non-expiring notifications for deadlines for
TODOs in org mode. Having this allows me to depend on org mode as the keeper of
all my notes and reminders.
In order to use an external (to awesome) notification daemon you need to make
sure that naughty is not require
'd by your rc.lua
config (directly or
indirectly). Look out for obvious
widgets (e.g., obvious.battery
Eventually it would be nice to figure out how to not have this restriction and
perhaps have the naughty API just proxy, and not listen for notifications.
To get customize the look of the notifications you need to use
Keyring (GNOME)
I use the gnome keyring. After installing gnome-keyring
you need to enable the
files under /etc/xdg/autostart
as described above in `Login
Applications`. Additionally, you need to rename or remove the
file. If you do not
do the latter then you will end up with 2 daemons the second of which was not
given the password for unlocking from PAM, and so on the first use of the
keyring you will be prompted with a pop-up window claiming that the keyring was
not unlocked at login and to re-enter your login password.
Startup X11 files
It can be hard to tell what is actually executed during startup you should
check: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
as these probably are and may affect your
settings (like DPI and font dpi).
In particular may be resetting your dpi to 96
This can be quite tricky to get right. The end result is that you need
to show the correct display size (and thus DPI) for your screen
resolution. You also need xrdb -query | grep dpi
to show Xft.dpi
set to the same value.
The fastest way to do this is to run xrandr --dpi 217
(replace 217 with
your actual DPI) somewhere. Here are the other modifications I made.
- display-setup-script can be used to call xrandr and others, primarily make sure your DPI is set correctly also Xft.dpi in your resources
- xft.dpi in greeter config needs to be set for a nice gtk greeter window
# If inside vmware VM /usr/bin/vmware-user-suid-wrapper sleep 4 XRES=$(xdpyinfo | sed -e '/dimen/!d;s, *dimensions: *\([0-9]*\)x\([0-9]*\) pixels.*,\1,') YRES=$(xdpyinfo | sed -e '/dimen/!d;s, *dimensions: *\([0-9]*\)x\([0-9]*\) pixels.*,\2,') mode=${XRES}x${YRES} dpi=192 # Whatever the correct value is or calculate by size and res. x11screename=Virtual1 xrandr --output $x11screename --primary --mode $mode --dpi $dpi >> $tmpf 2>&1
- XXX add section on /usr/bin/vmware-user-suid-wrapper, xrandr must be run after this as it messes up the display size.
- This will be run initially by your login from /usr/x
Beautifully Rendered Fonts (infinality)
Follow these directions.
Don't forget to update the xft config to your HiDPI setting. This may be
being set in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
. You probably want
to just remove that setting and set it elsewhere (perhaps in lightdm fixup.
No scaling setting (i.e., leave 1).
If you've done all the above you should nt need any scale adjustment hacks with environment variables or GUI configuration dialogs.
Important Applications
Terminal (mate)
I ended up doing some odd hacks on scripts I found to setup a bunch of color profiles. The important setting though that was hard to find was for setting the "system default monospace font". To set that to DejaVu Sans Mono 12 point enter the following:
gsettings set org.mate.interface monospace-font-name "'Ubuntu Mono 12'"